Entries by Derrick Rehn

What to Know About Product Design and Research

New products and services are important to businesses in order to keep a competitive edge. Hiring product design services can help you keep a competitive edge and to perfect your new product or services. They can help you make the product or service idea work and shape it to meet market needs and trends. Research […]

How Your Product Can Benefit From Manufacturing Assistance

As a business owner, it’s important to get your product ready for market. Some key factors in packaging your product are the product itself, its design, cost, and manufacturing. The question is what makes people buy a product? The major factor is how the product looks or its design. Studies show that 64% of people […]

What Goes Into Good Product Research?

When it comes to developing a new product, many steps must be taken to ensure a quality manufacturing and marketing process. However, product development must first begin with proper planning around the initial concept idea. Product research is essential to future success and should not be taken lightly. Here are some of the things that […]

How Outsourcing Conceptual Design Can Help Your Business

Product design is essential in a vast array of industries, yet oftentimes we find that our core competencies are not in the design of products but in the manufacturing, marketing, and selling of them. Simply put, not every team can afford to have an expert industrial engineer or designer. This leads to an immense amount […]

3 Ways Product Design Enhances Your Brand Identity

3 Ways Product Design Enhances Your Brand Identity When we think about successful companies such as Apple, Nike, and Amazon, their brand identity is huge. Brand identity speaks volumes for your business. Arguably, it is among one of the most effective marketing techniques. It’s also one of the biggest keys to business success. When customers […]

What Are the Product Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2021?

Consumer behavior is changing and, if you are a retailer or producer, it is important to know just how that behavior is changing so you can tailor your marketing. Innovative designs for both physical and digital products are key in keeping up with design trends, so it’s good to know what those trends are. Here […]

How to Increase Your Chances of Customers Liking Your Product

With consumerism becoming commonplace in modern society, product design has been an invaluable tool for businesses desiring growth. While the customer’s primary objective is to meet basic needs, what they like and how they want that need met is a different story. And with the market flooded with similar products, the only factor differentiating brands […]

What Factors Make for a Great Product Design?

When small manufacturers invest in product design, they typically see an average sales increase of up to 17.5%. Are you considering an investment in a new or updated product design for your business? Continue reading to learn more about what makes a great design from start to finish. Generation and Refinement The development process begins […]

How Can Outsourcing Product Prototyping Help You Save Money?

According to Harvard Business School, approximately 30,000 new products are put on the market every year. Unfortunately, up to 95% of those new products fail. This is disappointing for many businesses who put a lot of time, money, and effort into developing their products. The good news is that your business can actually make product […]